Dale Beasley


Delta Magazine - SUMMERS IN YAZOO CITY - Colorful storytelling at its best

Mississippi Magazine - April/May 2021 - Heritage & Culture

Clarion Ledger - Mississippi Reads - May 2nd, 2021
Delta Magazine - Thefinalword- February 2021
The Mississippi Delta - Misunderstood
article by Dale Beasley
goodreads- Reader Comments
4.35 Stars
Amazon- Reader Comments
4.4 Stars


set in Yazoo City, Mississippi, Dale Beasley tells the story of the devilish and charming Dallas Crabtree who saw his well-laid plans waylaid, ambushed for a greater call. One phone call took the college senior away from his carefree life of fraternity parties and sorority formals to being surrounded by the German army in the Siege of Bastogne. That one call caused Crabtree to spend a year of his life in the war and the rest of his life coming home.

We Will Not Be Home By Christmas

“We Will Not Be Home By Christmas” is a collection of letters, postcards, and stories from Soldiers and Marines during Christmas in WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. This is a large format coffee table book.

All profits from this book go to support National Organization, Wreaths Across America.

What I Learned At The 'Zoo

What I Learned At The ‘Zoo reveals the younger Beasley’s  fictionalized account of his 14th summer in Yazoo City — a summer that features an eccentric family and a plot to smuggle Cold War secrets from Mississippi to spies in East Germany.